Are you ready to stop dieting and start thriving?

Stop dieting, heal your relationship with food, and understand the root cause of your PCOS symptoms to address them once and for all.


PCOS feels really complicated, but it doesn’t have to be! The internet is so full of things you “should” or “shouldn’t” do to manage PCOS, that it can feel impossible to know what actually works. If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, you likely have come across the advice to “lose weight,” as if that is the magical answer for a complex hormonal condition!

Nourish takes a weight-neutral, anti-diet, intuitive eating approach to PCOS. Nourish is all about reforming and reshaping your mind-body connection. It is an individualized, body positive, and evidence-based approach to PCOS. I help you make peace with food, free yourself from dieting and diet culture, and rediscover the pleasure of eating.



My passion for food freedom stems from years of my own struggles with dieting and diet culture. I understand the perils and pitfalls of dieting and the guilt and shame that overshadows food decision making and body image. Just as I was able to liberate myself from dieting, finding peace and joy in food again, I am committed to helping individuals do the same.

As a fellow PCOS cyster, I too struggled to find ways to holistically manage PCOS and have been fed up with the recommendations I was getting from healthcare providers. Yet through evidenced-based holistic nutrition practices, I found ways to thrive with PCOS. I am committed to helping you do the same.


Nourish PCOS 1:1 Coaching

“I help others break free from dieting and re-establish the innate mind-body connection we are all born with.”

Are you ready to stop dieting and start thriving?

Are you ready to stop dieting and start thriving?